

** 聲明 **

本文件的閱讀對象為敝司業主、潛在業主、熱忱的未來應聘者及任何對敝司抱有興趣之活人,目的乃宣揚敝司管理制度及經營理念。敝司員工當以 private-docs/software/programming.rst 為執行準則。

Git 儲存庫操作

每一個 Git 儲存庫的 master branch ,預設就是對應到真實上線網站所使用的 branch 。通常也會有一個 dev-deploy branch 對應到測試網站。目前只開放系統管理員(也就是 hoamon )可以作 git push origin master(or other productional branches) 的指令,其他開發人員都是自開 <creator_name>-feature-XXX 或 <creator_name>-bugfix-YYY 來作程式碼的修改。branch 開發完成後以 bitbucket pull request 通告系統管理員作 merge 。

所有新創功能、新觀念、新任務所使用 branch ,就歸類在 <creator_name>-feature-XXX ,而 <creator_name>-bugfix-YYY 皆是從 master 分枝而來,目的是解決真實上線網站上的「文句修正」、「臭蟲修正」等。

每一個 branch , 原則上只針對一個主要目標,並不適宜將多個新創功能或臭蟲修正混在一個 branch 中 ,因為這些新創功能可以是分批依序 merge 進 master 的,如果只混在一個 branch 中,就必須待該 branch 所有新創功能全部完工後,才能作一次 merge ,這樣與 最簡可行產品原則 衝突。而臭蟲修正也有優先權考量,混在同一個 branch 中,高優先權的修正會被低優先權的影響到 merge 時程。

一 branch 只針對一個主要目標 原則,我們多半讓 branch 是基於 bitbucket issue 來創建的。在 branch 上作文件、測試函式、程件碼的撰寫,在 issue 上作進度、責任的控管。

開發者創建 branch 後,待任務完成,首先要將該 branch 合併進 dev-deploy branch 來測試發佈。在發佈伺服器可正確發佈該 dev-deploy branch 後,才發出 pull request ,由 reviewers 決定是否可 merge into master 。

因為在內部開發上,大家多運作 branch (非 fork )來工作,所以當遇到較長時間的工作中斷(如: 用餐、放假、出外洽公…)前,務必先將手頭的修改作一個 commit ,儘早 push 該 branch 。這麼作,有兩個好處:

  1. 不怕程式碼被洗掉,人生總要意外,誰曉得會不會出去吃個飯,結果遭了小偷,不只丟了電腦,也丟了程式碼。

  2. 儘早把程式碼 push ,其他相關人有空可以先了解一下,開發方向是否有問題。

我們主要使用 Bitbucket 作程式碼開發,但在程式碼發佈到網站的階段,我們的 deployment server 是拿 AWS codecommit 儲存庫來抓取新版程式碼的,Bitbucket 到 Codecommit 是依賴 bitbucket pipeline 作 commits 同步的工作。所以 對於已 push 的 commits 不能作任何形式的 reset 操作 ,這會讓 pipeline 無法 push 後來的 commits 到 codecommit 。

SOP on branch and merge

  1. Create bitbucket issue for bug/feature/proposal/task,ex: Repository Slug=GA, Kind=enhancement(feature), Assignee=hoamon, Title=Add Pipeline Settings, No.=30

  2. Create branch from master(or other major branch, depends on project setup), and the branch name should be GA#30-<assignee>-feature-add-pipeline-settings as the above condition

  3. Write the document about this #30 issue in appropriate .rst

  4. Discussing in issue #30 around the document, then decide the appropriate implementation method

  5. Programming and discussing in docuemnt or bitbucket issue

  6. Merge GA#30-<assignee>-feature-add-pipeline-settings into dev-deploy branch(ex: dev-deploy-01, test-deploy-01, test-deploy-02-for-ccgateway3, choosing branch depends on project) after finishing programming

  7. Deploy with deployment server(Jenkins) and test in test web site

  8. The assignee finish the source code of the feature/bugfix branch, then create a pull request ticket to 「system administrator」 with:
    • 「deployment no.(or just paste the link from the deployment server)

    • some descriptions

    • reviewers(usually, it is system administrator)

    • decide 「Closing branch or not」

    • if there is no code conflict, then the assignee approve this new pull request

  9. If this new pull request XX has 「source code conflict」 , then the assignee should resolve it manually:
    • a case: if the source branch was branch from the target branch directly
      • step 1-a, just rebase the source branch from the target branch or merge the target branch into source branch, then resolve the conflict manually

      • step 2-a, push the new commit of the source branch

      • step 3-a, check the 「conflict status」, if it resolved, then approve this pull reqeust XX , otherwise execute step1-a ~ step2-a again

    • b case: if the source branch was not branch from the target branch directly
      • step 0-b, decline this new pull request XX, because bitbucket web has no 「resolve conflict tool」, the assignee should resolve this conflict in local computer

      • step 1-b, checkout a new branch from the HEAD of target branch(ex: master), and name this branch as prXX-<assignee>-<target_branch>. pr means 「pull request」, and XX means the declined pull request number.

      • step 2-b, merge the HEAD of source branch(ex: GA#30-<assignee>-feature-add-pipeline-settings) into prXX-<assignee>-master branch, then resolve the conflict manually

      • step 3-b, push the new prXX-<assignee>-master branch

      • step 4-b, create another pull request(from this prXX-<assignee>-master into master)

      • step 5-b, check the 「conflict status」 of the new pull request YY, if it has no conflict sources, then approve this pull reqeust YY and pass the issue about this pull request to reviewer

  10. The reviewers(Administrators) can check the codes in pull request, the reviewers should approve this pull request if all reviewers confirm this pull request. Then merge it, and deploy this new merge commit with deployment server(Jenkins or Buildbot) for testing.

  11. Schedule a date to deploy this new merge to productional web site

  12. If new source code serving well, then resolve the issue, otherwise run the above steps again


Bitbucket/Github 都有在專案中分離 wiki 為獨立的儲存庫,我們會利用這個特性,把該專案相關的公開文件撰寫工作都歸納到 wiki 儲存庫,並以 sphinx 工具來編寫文件。私有文件則同樣置於儲存庫中的 private-docs 資料夾。


一個 Django-based 軟體專案的相關資料夾及檔案位置如下:


開發時,皆須使用 virtualenv 建構 .py2env or .py3env,並依 <project-respository>/private_requirements.txt, <project-respository>/requirements.txt 安裝套件。

強制使用 virtualenv 開發,有兩個好處:

  1. 不同平台對 shell 的設定是有差別的,如: Windows/MacOS 在 PATH 變數上的設定,皆需由使用者自行設定,與其依賴手動調整,不如全套用 virtualenv 的環境,讓 virtualenv 自動化設定。

  2. 開發環境在使用 virtualenv 後,可方便其他開發人員快速建置自己的開發環境,且系統在發佈時,也需有一「正確」的執行環境,利用 virtualenv + requirements.txt 可降低發佈失敗率

Use VisualStudioCode as default IDE

Recommend plugins:

  • Code Outline

  • Django

  • Django Template

  • gettext

  • Python

  • Python for VSCode

  • reStructuredText

  • Vim

  • vscode-icons

User settings sample:

    "editor.fontSize": 14,
    "editor.fontFamily": "'Noto Sans Mono CJK TC'",
    "editor.renderWhitespace": "boundary",
    "editor.rulers": [
        80, 100
    "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
    "extensions.ignoreRecommendations": false,
    "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
    "git.ignoreLimitWarning": true,
    "gitlens.keymap": "none",
    "gitlens.advanced.messages": {
        "suppressCommitHasNoPreviousCommitWarning": false,
        "suppressCommitNotFoundWarning": false,
        "suppressFileNotUnderSourceControlWarning": false,
        "suppressGitVersionWarning": false,
        "suppressLineUncommittedWarning": false,
        "suppressNoRepositoryWarning": false,
        "suppressUpdateNotice": false,
        "suppressShowKeyBindingsNotice": true,
        "suppressWelcomeNotice": true
    "html.format.enable": true,
    "python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [
    "python.linting.enabled": true,
    "python.formatting.provider": "autopep8",
    "python.pythonPath": "${workspaceRoot}/.py3env/bin/python",
    "restructuredtext.builtDocumentationPath": "${workspaceRoot}/docs/_build/html",
    "restructuredtext.confPath": "${workspaceRoot}/docs",
    "restructuredtext.updateOnTextChanged": "true",
    "vim.easymotion": true,
    "vim.incsearch": true,
    "vim.useSystemClipboard": false,
    "vim.useCtrlKeys": true,
    "vim.hlsearch": true,
    "vim.searchHighlightColor": "rgba(250, 250, 0, 0.3)",
    "vim.cmdLineInitialColon": true,
    "vim.visualModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
        { "before": ["0"], "after": ["g", "0"] },
        { "before": ["$"], "after": ["g", "$"] },
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    "vim.statusBarColorControl": true,
    "vim.statusBarColors.normal": "#005f5f",
    "vim.statusBarColors.insert": "#5f0000",
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    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "statusBar.background": "#005f87",
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        "statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#005f87"
    "workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "bottom",
    "workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-icons",
    "window.zoomLevel": 0,
    "vsicons.dontShowNewVersionMessage": true